Portia's debut as an actress into the film World, Candie's Harem (Faux Pas Films). She played the role of the lead character, Candace England, AKA Candie. She was nominated as best actress for her role in the film at the Hardcore Horror Fest 2016.
Faux Pas Films presents a throwback to whodunit films with an added sex appeal to spice it up. Candie is a woman who knows what she wants in the romance department. She doesn't just want it from one person. Everything is going great until her lovers start dying off around her and she is forced to try and discover who the killer is before it's too late. Candie confides in her friend, Paul, who is having problems himself being in an abusive relationship with boyfriend, Kevin. Together they will experience terror as they watch their worlds unravel.
DVD includes: Feature FIlm, scene selection & trailer
Language: English / Unrated / Dolby Digital / 2015 / Color / 105 mins / 16.9 aspect ratio
Faux Pas Films website: fauxpasfilms.com
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